Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Apple Sued Over Potential Hearing Loss

Now here we go again. It's no wonder that most people in America seem to think the top 2 ways of getting rich are to either win the lottery or sue (aka legal lotto) These people blast music in their ears and wonder why their hearing degrades - and it's Apple's fault? Now Ipods will go up in price, and they will not be loud enough. It's another hot coffee/burn - eat lots of fast food/got fat legal scam that screws everybody but the awardee and the lawyers.

We calculate "tax freedom day" as the day in the year in which we actually begin to keep our money (sometime in June). I believe someone who knows more about macroeconomics than me calculate a "lawsuit cost increase freedom day." New 4 seat airplanes cost about $150,000 - but are cheaper to manufacture than cars. Whenever a plane crashes - pilots fault usually - the lawyers sue the makers of EVERY PART of that plane - go figure.

We need liabilty reform - this is madness. Doctors are leaving Pennsylvania in droves. People in New Jersey only have a couple of auto insurance companies to chose from.


Blogger camojack said...

Shakespeare may have been onto something.
(Henry VI; Part 2, Act 4, Scene 2)

9:37 PM  

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