Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Or could it be stupid drivers?

Study says millions have 'rage' disorder


By LINDSEY TANNER, AP Medical Writer Mon Jun 5, 5:00 PM ET
CHICAGO - To you, that angry, horn-blasting tailgater is suffering from road rage. But doctors have another name for it — intermittent explosive disorder — and a new study suggests it is far more common than they realized, affecting up to 16 million Americans.

"People think it's bad behavior and that you just need an attitude adjustment, but what they don't know ... is that there's a biology and cognitive science to this," said Dr. Emil Coccaro, chairman of psychiatry at the University of Chicago's medical school.
Road rage, temper outbursts that involve throwing or breaking objects and even spousal abuse can sometimes be attributed to the disorder, though not everyone who does those things is afflicted.


Ok, my two cents........

People usually get angry or drive aggressively because of frustration caused by people who either display extreme discourtesy, poor driving skills, stupidity, etc. etc.

Road rage and aggressive driving are not problems - they are symptoms of problems. If anyone wants to solve this problem, they would need to address driver education/training and promote common courtesy on the road.

I heard something on the radio today suggesting that if you are in the left lane and going below the speed limit, you need to get in the right lane. Finally, someone has a good idea - state the obvious for the morons who are clueless.


Blogger camojack said...

I have frequently considered that a comedy routine (a la George Carlin) might be a good-natured way to get sensible concepts across to insensate drivers.

The left lane drivers are an excellent example...if I'm passing you on the right, you're wrong.

12:40 AM  

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